You know when you get into a room, and you are just vibing with everyone in it? The energy is palpable, the people all have something in common, and you get the I-don’t-want-to-leave-this feeling.
Well, I started the True Adventure Collective because I couldn’t find that room I just described. It didn’t exist for me.
So I said f*ck it, I’ll create it myself.
Now I get to fill meetups, retreats, and coaching containers with my people. I bring together high-performing female CEOs and leaders–ones who are mentally and physically tough, willing to get uncomfortable, say yes to adventure, and achieve all their goals in life without burning the hell out.
I have my Masters in Sport & Performance Psychology from Florida State University, a Top 4 program in the field. I spent 2 years there working with collegiate athletes followed by 3 years working as a civilian contractor with the US Army. I spent over 200 hours studying yoga and the benefits of it on a daily practice. In my time working with the Army I worked with over 800 soldiers in group and individual trainings to assist them in becoming the best possible soldier they could be. I have worked with over 30 one on one clients over the years, hosted 10 retreats, and taught over 100 yoga classes.
I know what it’s like to reach your mental limit.
I quit my NCAA Division I rowing career at the University of Louisville, two weeks before our Conference Championships, hanging my team out to dry.
I spent an entire summer in a burnout cycle, crashing and burning every few weeks.
I broke down sobbing the night before the biggest hike of my life–23 Miles, 6,000 feet up and 5,000 feet down. (Which is five Empire State Buildings up and four back down).
I almost dropped out of my master’s program at Florida State University.
I ran my business in its first year at a $14,000 deficit.
I stayed in a 4.5-year relationship with someone when I knew it wasn’t right.
It was only when I began practicing what I had been preaching to athletes, soldiers, and clients that I started to feel what a sustainable life truly feels like.
→ I learned that I can’t stop stress from happening, but what I can do is recognize it and start preparing myself.
→Instead of waiting for the crash and burn, I learned when it was time to actually take a break. I discovered what I specifically needed to truly fill my own cup.
→I learned if I didn’t spend time out in nature, with feet in the dirt and sun on my skin, it didn’t matter how much I worked out, my stress never went away.
→I begin to regulate how I spoke to myself and about myself. I looked for hard facts, evidence, that I was the person I wanted to be.
→I learned how to let go of other people’s opinions of me and say f*ck it. I went on adventures of my choice.
→I quit jobs that did not serve me, and I let go of friends that did not support me. I left a relationship that did not support my goals.
→I found what gave me my dopamine hit (the happy hormone) and I filled my days with it!
I want you to fill your day with adventures that max out your dopamine levels. When you learn to master your mind, you will have complete control of the thoughts that come through your head. Then YOU get to choose which ones you listen to, which ones support your goals. That is when you will be able to create the results you’ve always wanted.
IPAs are made for the mountains and winters, Coronas are made for sunshine and summer. I have no in-between.
I have a Siberian Husky who is six and is a very sassy talker.
I hate walking uphill, truly hate it. But I do it for the views.
My dad put me on skis when I was two, I was a ski instructor for two years and I’d love to be a ski patroller one day–because why not!
The first ever backpacking trip I went on was 12 days on the John Muir Trail, and I sent home 14 lbs worth of unnecessary gear at our halfway resupply stop.
I grew up in Florida–yes, Washington state is cooler (but I’m biased now)
I only started rock climbing in 2022 because I was hired on a climbing retreat and didn’t know how to teach yoga specific to climbers!
I was dragged to my first yoga class by my mom and I thought I was going to hate it.
True Adventure Collective believes that physical challenges can strengthen both your body and mind, providing evidence of your capabilities. When you do something scary for the first time, like surfing, backpacking, hiking, or climbing, you learn about your mindset and capabilities. At True Adventure Collective, we focus on people-first mental performance coaching, empowering individuals to believe in their worthiness and power as a human, and enhancing their performance as a leader from the inside out.