True Adventure Collective Retreats

True Adventure Collective Retreats are for badass female high-achievers who are feeling less than badass right now. They’re for CEOs who experience the I-want-to-pull-my-hair-out-and-crawl-in-hole feeling wayyyy too often and are ready to feel free again. I know you don’t want to work 24/7, lose sleep, and carry your laptop around like your safety blanket. Are you ready to stop complaining about it and do something to make a change? Sorry (kinda) if you feel called out–but tough love is how I roll. It’s your time to live your life on your terms. Sometimes getting away from the madness is exactly what you need to make a change.  

Does This Sound Like You?



Do you want to be surrounded by like-minded women who understand what it's like to be a business owner?

Are you tired of complaining about your workload and ready to make a real change in your life?

Are you a badass female business owner who is feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and less-than-badass right now? 

As much as you hate to admit it, you can’t keep going at this pace.

I know you want to do it all. I know you want to say yes to every project--but this keeps leaving you overwhelmed, overcommitted, and then disappointed by your output. It's so easy for leaders to think the only way they can be successful is if they do it all themselves. You keep putting more on your plate until… well it crashes. It’s time to unlearn all the things that put you in a box. You started your own business for freedom. Free to take vacation when you want. Free to make as much money as you want. And free to do things YOUR way. It starts by taking a break and putting your plate down. 

Give yourself the break you need to gain the clarity you deserve

Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure by picking your ideal retreat!

Business Retreat 

Transform your CEO Burn Out into a new level of Badassery that enables you to effortlessly conquer your business goals. Say goodbye to the days of feeling drained, stressed, and unproductive. Elevate yourself to a CEO who consistently exudes energy and confidently leads their team to success. Take the first step and apply today!


Baja, Mexico
March 28- April 2, 2025


Spain Sales Retreat

For the female founder who's ready to make success predictable. ⬇️
We're SO EXCITED to finally announce that we're taking 14 female founders on a 6-day immersive retreat in one of the most inspiring cities in the world—Barcelona, Spain. ✈️
I'm teaming up with Molly, owner of Acorn Digital, Oaks Email Studio & CEO Society for this retreat focused on marketing and sales strategy. 
We have some EPIC adventures, workshops, and experiences planned, and we can't wait to see how businesses and lives change after this one-in-a-lifetime trip. 🥹
Spots are already filling up! 
See you in Spain 💃🏻

September 25-30, 2025

Tell me more

Bellevue, WA
Baja, MX 2023

“I came back from the retreat with the perspective I was searching for all year”


 Create a life you love: Through a supportive community and effective tools, you'll be empowered to build a business and life that fills you up and leaves you feeling satisfied and grateful.

Take control of your time and money: Say goodbye to overwhelm and burnout as we teach you strategies to reclaim your time and finances.

Clear the path to success: With our program, you'll gain clarity on your biggest goals and learn how to take actionable steps towards achieving them.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed while trying to grow your business? Do you find yourself struggling to balance work and personal life? Imagine having a clear path toward your biggest goals, having more time and money in your hands, and feeling empowered to take breaks to fill your cup. What if you could have a supportive community of like-minded women by your side, and the tools to regulate your thoughts and emotions to stop slipping into old patterns? This is the ultimate transformation experience designed specifically for badass female business owners like you. If you resonate with these visions of success, you have come to the right place.

The Ultimate Transformation Experience for Female Business Owners

True Adventure Collective Retreats: A First-Of-Its-Kind Experience

On True Adventure Collective, I combine Mental Performance Coaching, yoga, and physical challenges so that you can build your Mental Toughness. Over the course of the week learning to challenge yourself you will build the strength, physically and mentally, to regulate your energy and use your stress response to work FOR YOU. You will rewire your brain to have it work for you rather than against you, taking action to create the life you've always wanted. 

When you join a True Adventure Collective Retreat you will push your mind and body. You will create the baseline of showing up consistently which increases your Mental Toughness in just 6 days. When you do hard things, your brain goes into fight or flight mode, which leaves only enough space for what is ACTUALLY important. This prioritizes the things that matter the most.

When you conquer the physical challenge you face, your brain will become armed with hard evidence that you can do though shit. You’ll learn the mental skill that will have you conquer every mountain, literally and figuratively.

Experience the ultimate retreat that combines mental skills, movement, adventure, and Performance psychology.

And more, depending on the retreat you sign up for… 

Instant access to weekly journal prompts via email to start your transformation as soon as you sign up.

A community of fellow "F*ck Yes women" that will support you through the retreat and beyond. 

Adrenaline-pumping activities where you face fears head-on.

Adventure activities to explore nature–imagine multiple full-day hikes or adventure activities (such as surfing, climbing, and backpacking) to physically challenge your body and clear your mind of stress.

Sport & Performance Psychology Workshops that teach you actual skills to take into everyday practice.

Two yoga classes a day filled with mobility skills & restorative poses. 

Enjoy the meals cooked by a private chef to your liking with NO cleanup (such a dream!).

Relax in the arranged accommodations in luxurious rooms and dream retreat spaces.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with True Adventure Collective retreats and discover everything that is included in these transformative experiences.

See what’s included on all True Adventure Retreats 

The all-inclusive experience with adrenaline-pumping activities


You have the thought in the back of your head that you know your life can be better, bigger, and bolder. 

You are ready to step into confidence, courage, and f*ck yes energy. .

You are ready to leave behind blame, hustle, and the worry that you’re not doing enough (even though we both know you’re doing way too much).

You are excited to learn the skills to improve your mental fitness and have your mind work for you rather than against you. 

You know how vital it is to full your own cup, and you’re ready to invest in yourself.

You are ready to start getting comfortable saying YES to adventures and NO to more late nights on the laptop (I see you, keyboard warrior). actually show up for yourself master saying "YES" to your adventure and skip the burnout.

You want to wake up feeling genuinely excited about your day, not dreading your inbox

This is the ONLY retreat that allows you to improve your physical fitness, learn mental skills, and explore the natural world while doing it! These retreats are not meant for just anyone–which is why you’ll meet your people on this adventure.

How to know if you’re ready for a True Adventure Retreat


Ashley Sunriver '21 & Joshua Tree '23 Retreat

“This is my second retreat with Karina and I will definitely be back again!...the best part of the retreat was connecting with all of my fellow attendees. Every time I have a chance to connect in a community with like-minded people in a space like this, I am amazed at how powerful that is. Take the chance, try something new, give yourself space to be vulnerable and grow. "

you'll treasure that experience for life.

Tiffany, Whistler Retreat '22

I have discovered, or I should say remembered, that I can do hard things and that I have a power and a light that I should not be afraid to use.

I felt very comfortable allowing myself to be vulnerable in the retreat space. 

Lisa Glacier Retreat '22

Rain or shine, the good vibes were all there! This is the stuff that lifetime moments and memories are made of!

The days went by way too fast and I did not want it to come to an end! 


Confidence is learned. It's a skill that can be practiced. So let's practice. 
When we do something that scares us (travel alone, do a big scary hike, or a new adventure) we get the opportunity to practice overcoming our fears. When we practice where there is nothing emotionally at risk we can begin to gain the confidence of emotional courage. Then we apply what we learned to our everyday life.

Find your True Adventure

RETURN POLICY: True Adventure Collective Retreats requires you to go all in. I want to dedicate my undivided attention to you and your growth and I want that same level of commitment from you. Because of this I offer no refunds for any reason. Let’s be sure of your commitment. Go all in on YOU. 

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