Running a business, managing a team, and balancing your work and life goals is no easy feat–no matter how many times you try to convince yourself you can do it all. It's time to train your mind like an elite athlete.

Mental Performance Coaching 

Take the chaos out of ceo

You can’t sleep because the stress of your never-ending-to-do-list is waiting for you when you wake up. You sleep 7 hours but your battery is at 60%. You have no choice but to operate at mach-6 to complete your tasks for the day, yet you feel like your business is moving at snail speed. You beat yourself up when you don't knock off every task on your to do list. Your phone’s social media time limit is maxed out by lunch. You're burning the candle at both ends which makes showing up for your family nearly impossible. Then tomorrow, the cycle repeats. 

You know running a business shouldn't be this hard. 

The overwhelming feeling of stress isn't why you quit your corporate job.


Imagine stepping into your highest version of yourself. the ceo.

Imagine getting every task done on your list & saying goodbye to procrastination for good

Imagine you come home to your kiddo wanting to play and oyu have more than enough energy to wrestle

Imagine having a team that “just GETS it” and believes in your mission, like they can read your mind. 

Imagine believing NOW (with actually hard evidence) that you will have the multi-million dollar company you’ve wanted.

Imagine closing your laptop at the end of the week and not thinking about work until you open it back up Monday morning. 

Fill Your Life With F*ck Yes Energy

Warning: Working with a Mental Performance Coach will make you unf*ckwithable

Seriously, pause for a second and imagine this with me. Instead of waking up with overwhelming dread to check your emails, you start your day with calm clarity. Instead of having the wet-armpits feeling when stress hits, you’re able to use stress to your advantage (and maybe save some money on deodorant). Rather than letting your emotions control you, you’re able to completely control how you react to every situation life and business throws at you. Instead of feeling overwhelmed every day, you know how to delegate, prioritize, and manage your workload with ease. Imagine knowing what to say f*ck yes to and what to leave behind because you’re in touch with your energy again. 
All of this is possible for you. 

Business owners and leaders who successfully manage stress will reach goals faster without pulling up to Starbucks for their third quad-shot latte for the day. 
Check out what clients are saying inside the group.

This is the only coaching program that will have you never wondering where your next lead is coming from.
It's the coaching that will make business feel like you're pressing the easy button.
The Summit Mentality Program will have you leave your 9 to 5 in 2 months and double your revenue in 4.
Transform the hamster wheel of death into a business that works for you even when you close your laptop. It creates manageable action items. You are waiting for someone to come along and give you the instruction manual to running a business. Mental Performance Coaching will give you just that. You will step into the CEO role and become the one who has the answers. This is it. This is the answer you’ve been looking for. 

Stop leaving Sales Calls In a puddle of sweat


Run a business. Manage a team. Go to the gym. Spend time with friends. Take care of your family. Eat healthy meals. Be present with your partner. Add it all to the list.

its time to fast track success and ask for help- i'm here to give you the clarity to step into the next level.

1. You try to do it all. Where all the hats. Go to all the meetings. Being in charge of everything in your business. Always adding to your to do list but never catching up. And feeling like you can do it on your own.

2. Shiny object syndrome. You follow short term money [or goals] which has you sacrificing your long-term success. 

3. Imposter syndrome. Doubting your expertise and success has your clients seeing through your smoke screen. You move onto the next goal, without celebrating the last one. It feels like you will never reach your own expectations of success.

4. Hiring the wrong person to run your business thinking they know better than you. Management, sales, business coaches, they don’t know your business as well as you do. 

The 4 mistakes your making as the cEO:

A business coach can give you a growth strategy, a marketing plan, and project management tips. But you know that’s not what’s holding you back from feeling successful. A mindset coach can give you affirmations, help you learn to manifest your goals and give you mindset tools. But you need tangible results from science-backed techniques. Mental Performance Coaching is unlike any other form of coaching. It uses research from decades of science to help you take control of your success–and learn how to make your brain work for you, not against you. No fluff. No bullshit. Real, actionable results. 

Trade the one-size-fits-all business and mindset advice for real science-backed Mental Performance Coaching.

You don’t need another business coach

 research meets reality.

 Stop leaving your sales calls in a puddle of sweat.

You don’t have to guess your way through a conversation with a lead. 

 a mountain mentality is for more than just rock climbing. 

Molly N. CEO Acorn Digital Marketing

"Her workshop on the ATC model was so insightful and has already helped me so much as business owner. She's able to take research, studies, and psychology, and distill it down into topics that I can understand AND helps me see how I can apply it to my daily life as a business owner. The way she's able to tie in data and science-backed research into her coaching helps me understand the WHY behind her recommendations. She's not just another coach who will give you suggestions on what to do in your business--she provides research-backed and tested methodologies in leadership, communication, stress management, and so much more. If you're like me and you need to know WHY something works without all the fluff, Karina is your gal. “

Karina helped me truly realize how in control I am of my reality



SUmmit Mentality Member Portal

This is where all your weekly call recordings, recorded workshops, and pre-work prior to coaching calls will live. This member portal will have all workshops that have ever been recorded within the True Adventure Collective.


Bonus Trainings

Monthly workshops with everyone in the Summit Mentality community. These workshops are lecture-based followed by a discussion of application. They break down decades of research and science-backed theories into digestible content. These workshops include topics such as confidence building, the motivation spectrum, goal setting, controlling the controllable, psychology of sales, 13 week year to get shit done, reframing stress, fear to excitement, and so much more!



Join a private group on Slack with other leaders and CEOs are going through the same frustrations, struggles, and celebrations as you. In this group you'll have access to written coaching for the whole 6 months. Here you can celebrate your wins, get advice and insight from me [your MPC], ask questions, and collaborate 24/7. It’s the accountability group you’ve been craving.


LIVE weekly Coaching Calls

Each week for six months we will meet LIVE. We will have a teaching portion of science-backed theories that will directly help you become the highly effective leader you want to be. We will celebrate your wins of the week and then coach on any intentions you have for the call. 

Here is what you are going to get 

What’s included

I don’t teach the fake-it-til-you-make-it type confidence, I teach you how to prove to yourself you can do hard things every single day. I help you train your mind to overcome fear, use stress to your advantage, lead with confidence, and run your business with the calm clarity your mind has been begging you for. 
Stop the shame spiral. Stop the guessing games. Stop draining your energy. You know that success is in your future–I’m here to make the journey to the top a hell of a lot easier. 

A customized six-month Mental Performance Coaching program

Summit Mentality



one ticket to in-person business retreat

Solidify the six months of growth With the community of 10 women alongside you. Get the best of both sides of True Adventure Collective's signature offers- coaching & retreats. Get the dream support group filled with all your business besties and spend 3 days pouring into one another. 


6 payments of


1 payment

My Guarantee: If you show up and apply the simple steps… you will master your mind to conquer any mountain you come across, literally and figuratively. When you go all in on rewiring your brain you will become the highly effective leader that leads from F*CK YES energy
I am confident this program delivers exactly what you need, I'll give you the first 2 weeks risk free. If the program is not for you, I will give you your money back, no questions asked. There is no risk. 




You want to to stay in your comfort zone and avoid challenges

You are not serious about achieving your highest potential

You do not believe in the power of mindset shifts

You're not ready to let go of doubt, perfectionism, and fear

You're into the empty affirmations being pushed on tik tok and IG

You're not willing to get uncomfortable to achieve your goals

YOu're are not interested in personal growth and development

It's probably not for you if...

You’re ready to learn how to get out of your own way and achieve your biggest goals in life and business.

You are ready to lead from true confidence

You are ready to let go of doubt, perfectionism, and fear

You are sick of hearing from business coaches who talk about fluffy concepts rather than science-backed theories that actually work.

You are serious about making mindset shifts into your highest performing self

You are ready to increase the impact you have with your employees and mentees

You are a business owner whos ready to maximize her capabilities

This is for you if:

But it is for badass CEOs and leaders who are willing to get uncomfortable to reach their biggest goals. This is your time to say F*CK YES and create the life you want.

Mental Performance Coaching isn’t for everybody

It was my job to teach these people to become effective soldiers–not effective people. I wanted to teach them how to connect with themselves, with nature, and the world around them. 

As I worked for 10 months to earn my Yoga Teacher Certification at the same time I worked with the Army, I realized how desperately I wanted to combine my passion for yoga with MPC–because, yes, they flow together perfectly. And since I couldn’t easily convince soldiers to practice their downward dog and tell them how much a hike on Mount Rainier would calm them the f*ck down, I knew it was time to put my energy elsewhere. 

I left my job with the US Army to become a Mental Performance Coach for badass female leaders and CEOs. Between the research and science-backed theories I learned in my master's program in Sport & Performance Psychology, two years working with collegiate athletes, three years working with US Army Soldiers, and two of teaching yoga, I now put all my energy into helping people like you be more successful than you could have ever imagined. 

I created the life I’m obsessed with. Now I want to help you do the same. 

Looking at these soldiers as humans first. 

But you know what this job was missing?

… but I started off working with collegiate athletes. . Let me explain. 

I started my Mental Performance Coaching (MPC) journey at Florida State University working with collegiate athletes, coaching them on confidence, motivation, and optimal performance. 

After two years I was offered a job on Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state where I worked as a Mental Performance Coach for soldiers in the US Army for 3 years. Thankfully, this is also when I fell in love with the PNW and all its glory. I coached units on how to become highly effective communicators, resilient,productive, and effective problem solvers. 

I help courageous leaders and entrepreneurs chill the f*ck out through badass adventures and Mental Performance Coaching

I'm Karina Baldwin!

About the founder


13 week year to get sh*t done 

Get more done in 13 weeks than in the last 12 months combined. Learn the strategy that will give you the roadmap to accomplish your biggest business goals. $$ making actions will be your biggest priority. 

CEO Coaching

You’re in control of your results, it's time to take ownership. In ownership there is power. The power to become a highly effective leader in less than six months. start enjoying the CEO life. 

Psychology of sales

You will understand how clients make decisions and how you can guide them to their dream solution. Putting more money in your pocket from your dream clients. Learn my fool-proof sales call strategy, so you can close more leads with confidence. 

Science of business

Business is a study of human connection not a dried out MBA degree. Understand why some clients say yes and others are repelled. In the science of business you will begin predicting your success through research back theories.

The summit Mentality Process

This is the only Mental Performance Coaching Program that takes decades of research-backed theories, like Self-Determination theory guaranteeing self-motivation, the Sources of Confidence to conquer your mindset, or discovering your specific leadership Style. This program makes them digestible and relevant. Summit Mentality is the ONLY program that not only teaches you mental skills to rewire your brain but it also empowers you to think like the highly effective leader you are. 

Mental Performance Coaching backed by actual science
this is the only coaching program you will ever need as a cEO

You're ready.
You're ready to turn down the volume on self doubt and turn up on self trust.
You're ready to use psychology to deepen your relationship with yourself and your clients.
You're ready to use real ass science to run a business.
You're ready to show up for yourself.
You're ready to make your highest revenue months repeatable.
You're ready to calm the f*ck down.

It's time to lean back on the science of psychology, to pull yourself out as the high-performing CEO I know is in there.

You can do anything, just not everything.

Never ending work to do list, cleaning the house, trying to spend time in nature, but also with family, and make every client happy, and don't forget to go to the gym, and the yoga studio... What else can we add to the list??

But I am here to say you are the person I love surrounding myself with because you are the overachiever that is pure at heart. You are doing it to create the best life for yourself. Maybe even for a future (or current) family. Society taught us to go to college, get a corporate job, climb the ladder and you'll find success.

contrary to what you were taught, you paved your own path, and guess what? No one is telling you what's next, you're out there figuring it out for yourself!
You are an incredible human. You did the thing that scares most. You are finding success in your own way.

It takes serious guts to wander into the unknown. 

I have struggled with the same things you have.

We are cut from the same cloth

a love letter to you, the ceo


f*ck your new normal

Don't let overwhelmed and stressed out become your new baseline. You deserve to run a business and have fun with it.

You chose CEO over PTO. Don't let your past-employee-self regret it.

Invest in yourself. Give yourself the skills to master business once and for all. You deserve to understand how to succeed. You deserve to think intentionally instead of letting your primitive brain run your life.



6 payments of


1 payment

My Guarantee: If you show up and apply the simple steps… you will master your mind to conquer any mountain you come across, literally and figuratively. When you go all in on rewiring your brain you will become the highly effective leader that leads from F*CK YES energy

SSG Noah Clark, Ghost Combatives

Karina’s worked with my Soldiers on several occasions directly guiding thought work and self awareness exercises. These were aimed at my young leaders who are sometimes easily overwhelmed at the full prospect of their duties. In keeping with its purpose Karina’s work led to a multitude of successful dialogues, which allowed senior leaders the insight to help them mitigate or avoid burnout. Her assistance was also required specifically for self regulation and breath-work wherein my Soldiers prepared to engage in hand to hand combat. Her assertive and jovial approach was instantly well received as well as how astutely she met skepticism without belittling or dismissing the person. She sought to challenge them to rise to their inquiry and often found a way to show her work did precisely what it needed. without a doubt changed the lives so many Soldiers for the better. 

From a general wellness to mobility to a deeper psychological or spiritual connection Karina led simply, boldly, and always with an engaged and attentive energy that welcomed everyone. 

Holly J. CEO Dahlia Activewear

"Learning skills like positive mindset or ceo mindset are something that is going to help me succeed for life. I’m no longer procrastinating (from self doubt) on planning the next big thing for my brand and instead actively putting all the steps on my calendar to stay on task and get it done! I can imagine the ATC Model helping me when I get stuck. Writing down those scenarios has been really helpful. It feels like every new hurdle is reduced from a mountain to a speed bump.”

Coaching has helped to accelerate my confidence in promoting my brand and hosting brand centered events

Sierra G FSU Athlete

“I worked with Karina during my first season on the Florida State Cheerleading team. I was coming off of multiple years of mental blocks and continued to struggle with this in my collegiate career. I met with Karina once sometimes twice a week to help me work through this blockage. She had me do activities that made me feel more sure of myself and my cheer capabilities. Karina encouraged me to talk about the hard stuff and to constantly work on skills that scared me.

This was my first experience with a sports psychology coach and it was a great one.


Ready to step up your game and achieve the success, freedom, and clarity you deserve as a business owner? 

Sign up for Mental Performance Coaching and learn how to leverage science-backed techniques to master your mind and manage stress like an athlete. Say goodbye to overwhelm and burnout, and hello to peak performance and fck yes energy. 


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