The Spain Sales Retreat

Learn how to attract more dream leads and confidently close sales while immersing yourself in one of the most inspiring cities in the world—Barcelona, Spain.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Spain

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For the female founders who are ready for their success to be predictable 

September 25-30, 2025

→ Aren’t sure if you or your marketing team is nailing your messaging
→ Are paying people to implement a marketing strategy for your business but you don't know if it's working or how to track the value of it
→ Are tired of increasing revenue always correlating to increasing stress
→ Want to raise your prices but don’t have a proven sales call formula to increase your call conversion rate at your higher price point 
→ Still finish sales calls with sweaty palms and pits even though you've done hundreds of them

It’s easy to feel stuck at your current income bracket when you…

2024 Retreater

This is my second retreat with Karina and I will definitely be back again!...the best part of the retreat was connecting with all of my fellow attendees. Every time I have a chance to connect in a community with like-minded people in a space like this, I am amazed at how powerful that is. Take the chance, try something new, give yourself space to be vulnerable and grow. "

“I came back from the retreat with the perspective I was searching for all year.”

We’re creating ample time to explore the vibrant city of Barcelona! 

What’s work without a little play? 

Here are some of the activities we’ll be doing during the retreat: 

  • Beach day to rest and recharge by the Mediterranean Sea
  • City day to explore the must-see sights of Barcelona
  • Food tour to experience the beautiful culture through food
  • Kayaking adventure to get out of our comfort zones 

Not to mention we’ll be staying in a beautiful 15th-century farmhouse with a private pool.

But it’s not like you haven’t tried to move past the plateau. You’ve:

→ Hired the right people to implement new marketing strategies (like new freebies, workshops, ads, or email marketing) but still haven’t seen the results you hoped for.

→ Tried different approaches on sales calls but haven’t seen an increase in your conversion rate. 

→ Spent thousands of dollars on business coaching only to still feel overwhelmed, overworked, and underpaid. 

→ Have reworked your messaging strategy countless times but still find yourself rewriting your copy or spending too much of your valuable time editing your team's work. 

You have the drive, vision, and proven success in business, but increasing your revenue (without increasing your stress level) seems out of reach… 

There comes a time when you need to reset and get the coaching you need to make success repeatable and sustainable

Enjoyed by Elite CEO's and Executives

Master Consult Calls
In this workshop, you'll learn how to confidently guide clients to a "yes" without hesitation. Eliminate uncertainty and approach each call with clarity and control. You'll gain the skills to close deals and attract ideal clients who are fully committed to working with you.
Confidence Is Key 
Your next level of business doesn’t have room for imposter syndrome. Develop real-time resilience and quiet the doubts that often surface before your sales calls. Instead of second-guessing yourself with thoughts like "I can't land this client" or "I'm not good at sales," you'll build unshakable confidence in your ability to close deals effectively.

Sales Workshops:

Build A Repeatable Marketing Funnel 
Learn how a marketing funnel can work for your business. take what you learn so you can teach your team (or know the right person to hire) or implement it yourself. Understanding how a marketing funnel not only gets clients into your pipeline but keeps them coming back for more. 

How to Write Copy That Sells 
The words you choose have the power to build trust, increase authority, and make your ideal customers hand over their credit card digits with confidence. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the clarity you need to start writing your own strategic copy, or have the ability to communicate your vision to your team.

Marketing Workshops: 

Workshop Topics: 

Azalee G. Baja Business Retreat

"Thank You, I was able to reconnect with my body and kickstart loving it again. Karina immersed herself into the retreat as well making it easy to take in the valuable information. She planned fun activities that challenged me and pushed me past my limiting beliefs! I can’t wait for next year!”

Karina helped give me the tools I needed to level up in my heart and my mind.

Yoga Teacher, Mental Performance Coach

Karina Baldwin M.S. 200 CYT, MPC

Get in-depth sales training from Karina Baldwin, Mental Performance Coach and sales expert. After working with collegiate athletes and then thousands of soldiers in the US Army on mental performance, Karina shifted her focus to supporting and training high-performing women CEOs and leaders through retreats and coaching containers. She’s dedicated to helping you overcome the mental barriers holding you back from your goals through psychology-based techniques.

Get hands-on marketing guidance and support from Molly, the owner of Acorn Digital Strategy, OAKS Email Studio, and The CEO Society. She’s grown her company to a nearly half-a-million-dollar business, scaled to a team of seven, and has supported over 200 women-owned brands with strategic copy and email marketing services through her marketing agencies.

Marketing agency owner

Molly Nutt

✓ A clear, step-by-step marketing plan to consistently speak to and attract your dream clients. We'll help you figure out what can be outsourced vs. what you should own, based on where you're at in business. 

✓ Proven sales frameworks that make closing deals feel effortless, so you can scale your business and increase your prices without second-guessing your strategies.

✓ A renewed mindset, free from the mental blocks holding you back, with the clarity to achieve your vision for sustainable success.

✓ Fresh perspectives and inspiration from a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who understand your journey and will continue to support your progress.

✓ Excitement for the future of your business, all gained while enjoying the stunning scenery and vibrant culture of Barcelona.

You’ll walk away from this 6-day retreat with…

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